Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A cake for my precious ones...

My son kept on asking me to bake a chocolate cake for him.
Well, with not enough butter in the fridge, i started searching for recipes that don't use butter. But instead use cooking oil. So, i straight away bake a cake. Moist and hmmm... yummy too. With adding frosting and a little bit of cream, i eventually created a simple but yummy cake for my kids.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Baby food

I remembered a friend told me about homemade food for babies. At that time my first child ( premature baby) was just 5 months old. She told me that the mothers in kampung area of Ranau prepare homemade rice cereal for their prematured babies. But i didn't make one. So i forgot about it until yesterday.

So tried the recipe.
I washed 3 cups of rice. Cook it on dry pan. After it dried, i grind it and put it in a closed container.
Grinding rice cereal

So when i want to cook baby food, i just take 2 to 3 tablespoons of the grind rice cereal.

Carrot puree

and then today... i made purees from carrots and potatoes. Cook the chopped carrots in a pan with minimum amount of water.
After they become soft, blend the carrots in a mixer. Straight away put them in small containers.

The leftovers of carrot purees can be a delicious carrot smoothies ! Refreshing..

After searching for ice cubes containers with lids for quite sometime, luckily i saw them at Giant superstore in 1Borneo. At last i got it !
I used them to keep my apple purees.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Last weekend i went to visit my aunt at Taman Melati, Kolombong. She and her family were going for Umrah that evening. I brought my kids, including baby khalid.
When it was time to feed baby khalid, i used a new 'feeding gadget'.
Haha.. it was so easy, just squeeze the bottle, and the porridge will come out from it and flows straight to the feeding spoon. Yum yum.. lunch is served !

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kursus Luar

Sepatutnya minggu depan kami ada kursus BTN. Tapi ditunda ke hari lain. Terfikir juga macamana nak mengurus anak-anak apabila saya dan suami berkursus di BTN nanti. It's going to be a tiring and hectic day. Anyway, it's a blessing that the course is cancelled and my problems are solved! Harap nanti kursus itu dibuat di tempat lain yang lebih sesuai dengan pegawai-pegawai yang ada anak-anak kecil macam kami...huhuhuh

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Training pants

Hari ni puas cari training pants yang sesuai untuk si khayra. Setakat ni yang ada di rumah cuma size s jenama freshbots, bekas abangnya punya. tapi dah sempit.
Dah lama cuba buka website cutietots lah tp tak dapat go through.
Hopefully i can buy another training pants for khayra. Next monday i will order m size training pants from babymyluv .

Friday, February 26, 2010


Hari ni dah masuk hari ke tujuh, Kazhim terkena chickenpox. Syukur spots di muka dan badannya sudah kering dan mengecil.
I can see his clear face again.. and he's now running around playing in the house.
Si adik Khayra belum boleh main lagi dengan abang ya....Doktor kata perlu tunggu 2 minggu untuk penyakit ni clear off.
Nasib lah ada buku "What to expect the toddler years".. Incubation period for chickenpox is between 11 to 20 days ! Waaahhh... lama tu...
Buku ni saya beli di MPH masa bercuti di Kuching tahun lepas. Bagus lah.. Great book.
Its an essential guide for parents to keep their toddler safe, healthy and happy !