Sunday, March 14, 2010

Baby food

I remembered a friend told me about homemade food for babies. At that time my first child ( premature baby) was just 5 months old. She told me that the mothers in kampung area of Ranau prepare homemade rice cereal for their prematured babies. But i didn't make one. So i forgot about it until yesterday.

So tried the recipe.
I washed 3 cups of rice. Cook it on dry pan. After it dried, i grind it and put it in a closed container.
Grinding rice cereal

So when i want to cook baby food, i just take 2 to 3 tablespoons of the grind rice cereal.

Carrot puree

and then today... i made purees from carrots and potatoes. Cook the chopped carrots in a pan with minimum amount of water.
After they become soft, blend the carrots in a mixer. Straight away put them in small containers.

The leftovers of carrot purees can be a delicious carrot smoothies ! Refreshing..

After searching for ice cubes containers with lids for quite sometime, luckily i saw them at Giant superstore in 1Borneo. At last i got it !
I used them to keep my apple purees.

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